Project: Police Address Book

Police Address Book (PAB) is a desktop app meant for Police Investigation Officers, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) with a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

It is designed to help them manage their investigation cases better by reminding them on which people to call, automatically rescheduling follow-up calls and assisting in sending case detail emails to colleagues or call notification emails to people in the contact list.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • New Feature: Added the Officer’s Remark field #6
    • What it does: Allows additional remarks from the officer about his opinion about the case.
    • Justification: Supposedly after a follow-up call with the person, the officer develops his own opinion on how to handle the case afterwards.
    • Highlights: When no remarks are found for a case, the Officer’s Remark title will not show as well.
  • New Feature: Added the Description field #66
    • What it does: Allows in-depth description of a case.
    • Justification: By showing a clear description of the case, the officer has no doubts about what, where and when it happened, and who were involved.
  • New Feature: Call Today message and notification icon #87
    • What it does: Shows a red exclamation icon with a “Call Today!” message beside it.
    • Justification: When the report date + follow-up days = today’s date, it is time for the officer to make the scheduled follow-up call with the person in the case.
  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Enhancements to existing features:
    • Improved Remark to be included in the Add and Edit commands. #66
    • Made tags more useful by indicating case priority and number of times called. #66
    • Improved GUI display for better readability with Description of Case Report and Officer’s Remark. #70
    • Improved the GUI display further with police logo, new theme colours and Call Today notification icon. #87
    • Improved the FollowUp command to be included in the Add and Edit commands. #99
    • Added logging for Call Today and remarkTitle to be displayed when a remark exists. #99
    • Fixed Find command not being able to search descriptions, dates, remarks, followUp and tags. #100
  • Documentation:
    • User Guide:
      • Renamed AddressBook to Police Address Book, updated Add, Edit, Find, Remark format and command examples. #48
      • Updated the summary description for Police Address Book, updated Add command examples. #66
      • Added the FollowUp field in the command examples. #99
      • Added many Find command examples. #100
      • Added examples for AddTag and RemoveTag. 3d8fb80
      • Added more Remark examples. 2379c5e
      • Updated the phone number requirement. #138
    • Developer Guide:
      • Updated the target user profile, value proposition, user stories, use cases and additional information. #48
      • Replaced all addressbook-level3 to team’s repo. #66
      • Added CallUpActivityDiagram. #84
      • Updated CallUpActivityDiagram to CallTodayActivityDiagram. #99
      • Updated phone number to be limited to 3-15 numbers. #138
  • Team-based tasks:
    • Assisted Yi Heng through the whole process of adding the Date field into the project. #50
    • Fixed and logic of isSamePerson for Lin Qing. #68
    • Made minor fixes and corrected mistakes in AddTag and RemoveTag for Yi Heng. #102
    • Several commands were not catching exceptions during testing. #106
    • Fixed outstanding PE-D issues. #136 and #138
  • Community:
  • Tools:
    • Integrated SceneBuilder to the project for editing the GUI.