
A software Engineering project focusing on the implementation of a Brown Field Project with an empahsis on Team work with different team members that adopts a software iterative approach to development.


Project: Police address book

A Police Address Book (PAB) is a desktop app. It is meant for Police Investigation Officers, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) with a Graphical User Interface (GUI). This app helps to manage their investigative cases by having people’s detailed information, assisting in sending case detail emails to colleagues or call notification emails to people in the contact list and able to remind them to follow up on the case

Summary of Contributions

Enhancements implemented:

  • Add NRIC#12
  • Add or update AddCommand, EditCommand, NRIC Testcase#12
  • Show NRIC in the display app#11
  • Replace IC code to NRIC and fix addCommand message#37
  • Fix NRIC to valid NRIC format in Singapore#63
  • Fix NRIC to be capital letter#83
  • Check NRIC, phone number or email for duplicated instead of Name#65
  • Add followUp testcase and description testcase#134
  • Update AddCommandParserTest, CommandTestUtil and the test related the NRIC#83
  • Debug the date, description and remark in editCommand feature#85

Contribution to Documentation:

User Guide:

Did cosmetic tweaks to existing documentation of features and Contribute to documents regarding the NRIC, help feature image, remark feature, adding a person feature, editing a person feature, find feature and command summary.#12,#40, #37,#63,#93,#11#29

Developer Guide:

  • Update ModelClassDiagram, BetterModelClassDiagram#83,#91
  • Add AddCommandActivityDIagram,AddCommandSequenceDiagram #83,#91
  • Add Implementation for add feature and all documents for addCommand feature.
  • Add Design consideration regarding how to add command executes and how to delete command executes #91
  • Add some of the user stories #47
  • Add use case for delete a person, edit a person and send email to the person#63
  • Did cosmetic tweaks to existing documentation.

Contributions to team-based tasks:

  • Setting up tools e.g., Github webpage, assertion-enabled in build.gradle
  • Maintaining the issue tracker to create issue in version 1.1, 1.3, 1.4 and close issue tacker in version 1.1, 1.2, 1.2b, 1.3, and put a label on it.
  • Maintaining the milestone to create milestone with deadline in version 1.2, 1,3, 1.4 and close the milestone in version 1.1, 1.2, 1.3.
  • Updating developer docs that are not specific to a feature such as. documenting some user stories, use case for delete a person, edit a person and send email to person
  • Updating developer docs that are not specific to a feature such as command summary
  • Delete irrelevant picture(png) in our project


Contributions to the Developer Guide (Extracts):

Add feature:

The AddCommand feature allows the user to add a new person and save it to the address book.


Given below is the Sequence Diagram for interactions within the Logic component for the execute("add n/John Doe d/22-02-2021 i/S2731125H p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/311, Clementi Ave 2, #02-25 de/This man stole 3 times r/shop theft t/NeverCalled") API call. AddCommandSequenceDiagram

:information_source: Note: The lifeline for AddCommandParser should end at the destroy marker (X) but due to a limitation of PlantUML, the lifeline reaches the end of diagram.

The following activity diagram summarizes what happens when a user executes addCommand feature:


The add command facilitated by AddClaimCommandwhich extends the Command class and the AddCommandParser class, which implements the Parser class. This operation takes in a String input from the user that will create Person objects based on the following prefixes and parameters: n/name, d/date, f/followUp, i/nric, p/phone, e/email, a/address , de/description , r/remark , t/tag. Meanwhile, the r/remark and t/tag are not compulsory to include. A regex validation check will be imposed upon the creation. Any checks that fails the validation would display an error message to guide the user. Parameters will be checked whether they are valid:

  • name uses Name#isValidName() to ensure that name only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces, and it should not be blank.
  • nric uses Nric#isValidNric() to ensure that nric only contain a capital letter,it should start with S, T, F or G,followed by 7 numerical numbers and a capital letter with alphabetical character. It should not be blank.
  • date uses Date#isValidDate() to ensure that date should follow date format ‘dd-mm-yyyy’, and it should be a valid calendar date.
  • phone uses Phone#isValidPhone() to ensure that phone numbers should only contain numbers, and it should be 3-15 digits long.
  • email uses Email#isValidEmail() to ensure correct email format.
  • followUp uses FollowUp#isValidFollowUp() to ensure that FollowUp should only contain positive integers, and it should not be blank.

Upon receiving a user command that has add as the first word, the following object interactions will occur, resulting in the instantiation of an AddCommand object:

  1. MainWindow object calls LogicManager#execute(input), where input is the user’s input string;

  2. LogicManager object calls AddressBookParser#parseCommand(commandText) to parse the user command, where commandText is the user’s input string;

  3. AddressBookParser#parseCommand() calls AddCommandParser#parse(arguments), where arguments are the parameters in commandText such as i/NRIC; In this case, AddClaimCommandParser#parse()is being created, and the user’s input will be passed in as a parameter.

  4. AddCommandParser#parse() will do a validation check on the user’s input before creating and returning aAddCommand object with Person as its attribute.calls

Next, the following object interactions will occur to save the new person information to the Model object;

  1. LogicManager object calls AddCommand#execute(model), where model is the Model object and checking whether there is an existing Person

  2. AddCommand#execute() calls Model#addPerson(toAdd) to add the new Person, where toAdd is the Person object to be stored. It will return a CommandResult to the LogicManager that will return to user.

Design consideration:

Aspect: How add command executes
  • Alternative 1 (current choice): unique NRIC, phone number or email to the entire address book.
    • Pros: Since each person have unique NRIC, phone number or email, it can easily be retrieved from UniquePersonList. This will reduce coupling when the person is to be updated.
    • Cons: Every time we retrieve a person using his Nric,phone number or email, we have to search through the whole UniquePersonList to find the associated person. As the list gets bigger, this may take more time.
  • Alternative 2 : unique name to the entire address book
    • Pros: Since each person have unique name, it can easily be retrieved from UniquePersonList.
    • Cons: There may be a person that have the same name in the world.Therefore, it will have “fake” duplicate issue.

    We have decided to opt for the first option primarily because it reduces the number of potential bugs such as “fake” duplication issue and the complexities involved. Moreover, the implementation is still fast enough for small-scale organisations to pick up our app and use it, minimising the cons.

Aspect: How delete command executes
  • Alternative 1 (current choice): deleting by index
    • Pros: Since each person’s information has a unique index, any deletion by the index is less prone to bugs and easier to implement.
    • Cons: User will have to scroll the list for the data entry and look for its index which can be inconvenient.
  • Alternative 2 : deleting by NRIC
    • Pros: Since each person have unique NRIC, any deletion by the NRIC is less prone to bugs.
    • Cons: User will need to remember the specific person’s NRIC, it is very inconvenient to user.

    We have decided to opt for the first option primarily because it is more convenient to the user as compare to alternative 2.